
“Skate Bible was birthed in 2009 with the focus being to encourage skateboarders worldwide to not only worship God, but to continue in the call Jesus Himself has given us, living out the Great Commission, as we “Go into all the world and make disciples”. 

“Going” being a passive verb, can mean both to travel, but also to simply be who God has made you right there in your own “skate community”. 

Skate Bible was launched with the release of the “Foolishness” movie. 

At that time, skate ministry was gaining traction as people like Franklin Graham and Luis Palau began inviting skaters to be part of their City Outreaches. My coming to faith in 2004, I had never heard much of skate ministry, but having a heart for skateboarding, which had been my life since I was 13, I was eager to use my platform as a pro skater to reach whoever. 

At this time many parents felt called to build back yard ramps, or skaters along with the local youth pastor were either asking for the local church to build an onsite skate park, or they themselves were heading down to skateparks, handing out waters, bringing pizza, ultimately leading to building relationships, and soon, as prayed for, mini Bible studies leading kids into the church body.

Myself being invited around the world to partner with ministers and churches, I was able to see first hand just how disconnected the local youth were from the body of Christ. How could we reach them? 

At the skateparks? Well, where do kids go when school gets out, normally until their parents are home or its time for bed. 

Did you know that between these hours, of when school gets out, while parents are at work until home, are when our youth first end up having sex, getting high or finding themselves getting into trouble?

“Foolishness” then, was created for the purpose of, yes, being used to reach the lost, but in turn, to find its way into the local youth groups, and into the hands of Pastors and staff showing that skateboarders do hunger for Gods Word, need a church covering, and are positioned perfectly to help reach the local community.  

Soon there were thousands of skate ministries worldwide, all uniting through media.  Before we knew it places that were hard to reach were being reached, and yes, because churches were sending out skate ministries that they themselves were helping raise up. 

Normal places had weekly skate nights, but even places like China, Ethiopia, India, Russia and even North Korea were hearing The Gospel.

When you show up to a village with a skateboard, everyone is curious as to what it is. 

Young and old this wooden toy, begins to speak beyond the language barrier. 

Skate Ministry then is being used today in radical ways, even as Paul said to “become all things to all people that by all means I might save some”.

Approx 50’000 copies of “Foolishness” made it into production, on television eventually going onto win “Best Evangelistic film of the year.” 

While awards are not what are necessary, we, along with other Skate Ministries are excited to see our gifts and talents being used to reach the lost. As they should. Every year there are thousands of skate outreaches, lots of new films and social media platforms, all with the purpose of “gathering” the lost. 

Skate Bible is simply a hub, a place to shine His Light, and an encouragement to inspire others to use whatever is in their hand, or beneath their feet, for The King and His Kingdom.

God Bless you.

If you need information on outreaches, skate ministry or would like to invite skaters to speak please contact me. 

Brian Sumner.
